NASA’s Curiosity Rover Still Rolling After 12 Years on Mars

NASA's Curiosity Rover Still Rolling After 12 Years on Mars

NASA’s Curiosity rover has been exploring Mars since 2012, and it’s still going strong 12 years later! This speaks to the amazing technology and engineering behind it.

However, more than a decade on Mars has taken its toll. Recent photos shared by NASA show signs of wear and tear on Curiosity’s wheels, caused by the planet’s rough, rocky terrain.

One striking image reveals a large hole in one of the rover’s six aluminum wheels, exposing its internal parts. While it might look bad, NASA isn’t too concerned. The damage is limited to just one wheel, and the other five are still in good condition. Even the damaged wheel is still functioning.

NASA regularly checks the health of Curiosity’s wheels by having it drive slowly over a 7-meter distance, which takes about three hours. During this time, Curiosity captures photos with its Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) to monitor the wear.

This isn’t the first time Curiosity’s wheels have shown damage. Small holes appeared years ago, but the latest photos show that things have worsened over time. After traveling more than 20 miles across Mars’ rocky surface, it’s no surprise.

Fortunately, NASA’s newer rover, Perseverance, which landed on Mars in 2021, doesn’t have the same problem. Its wheels were designed to be more durable, thanks to lessons learned from Curiosity’s mission.

Despite a few holes in its wheels, Curiosity continues its incredible mission, exploring Mars 118 million miles away. It’s not slowing down anytime soon!