Netflix Moments: The New Way to Share Clips Without Black Screens

Netflix Moments: The New Way to Share Clips Without Black Screens

When you try to take a screenshot or record a video from major streaming platforms like Netflix, Hulu, or Peacock, you usually just get a black screen. These companies block recording to prevent unauthorized distribution of their content. While that makes sense, it can be frustrating if all you want is to capture a short clip to share with friends, which could actually be free promotion.

Now, Netflix has introduced a feature called Moments to address this. Moments allows you to capture short clips from movies or shows you’re watching. You can save the clip for later or share it on social media, like Instagram, Facebook, or WhatsApp.

The clever part is that while this gives Netflix some free word-of-mouth advertising, it still controls how clips are shared. Rather than playing directly on social platforms, shared clips show a Netflix Moments link. When people click, they’re directed to Netflix, where they can watch the clip in-app.

It’s likely that over time, Netflix may allow clips to play directly on social media, which could boost interest in a movie or show more effectively than traditional ads. For now, this feature only works with Netflix Originals, but it’s a promising start.

Moments is currently available to iOS users, with Android support coming soon.