OpenAI’s ChatGPT Revolution: Custom Bots, GPT Store, and the Future of AI

OpenAI's ChatGPT Revolution: Custom Bots, GPT Store, and the Future of AI

In 2023, OpenAI had a big year with its ChatGPT platform, making waves on the internet and showing off the impressive abilities of AI. Copycats started appearing on Google and Meta, and the technology got caught up in the Hollywood writers’ and actors’ strikes, making ChatGPT a hot topic.

People of all types, from casual users to enthusiasts, had a great time using the AI chatbot to help them with tasks that were traditionally done by humans. In November, OpenAI took a significant step forward in their mission to create a future dominated by AI by releasing a build platform. This platform allows users to harness the power of ChatGPT to create their own custom bots.

These custom bots, known as GPTs, don’t require any coding skills to create. You can personalize them to fit your company’s needs or set them up to handle mundane tasks like internet searches or sharing movie trivia on game night.

In just two months, users created over three million GPTs for various purposes. OpenAI has now launched the GPT Store, where you can explore and purchase a wide range of these unique GPTs.

“The store features a diverse range of GPTs developed by our partners and the community,” states an OpenAI blog post introducing the store. “Browse popular and trending GPTs on the community leaderboard, with categories like DALL-E, writing, research, programming, education, and lifestyle.”

While not every GPT created is available in the store, there’s still a large selection to choose from. To have your GPT listed in the store, you need to save it as “GPT for Everyone” and ensure your profile is verified. Once done, it will be available for purchase in the store.

As part of the monetization of ChatGPTs, OpenAI plans to launch a revenue-sharing program in the next month or so. Although details are limited, more information will be released soon.

In the meantime, you can explore the variety of user-generated AI chatbots currently available in the GPT Store.